I’ve already shown some of the kitchen appliances I use. Now it’s time to show other products that help me cook and bake.
I’ve already shown some of the kitchen appliances I use. Now it’s time to show other products that help me cook and bake.
Shall we continue the list of appliances and gadgets that can be found in my kitchen? Here we go!
Lush is one of the cosmetic companies I admire the most. They make vegetarian and vegan, cruelty free products. And they’ve just brought back their hair hot oil treatments (crowd goes wild).
I’ve snatched one and tested it. Wanna see how the test went? Watch the video here?
Product: Damaged hot oil treatment
Those who follow me on IG (@gabichaytor) know that I love to cook (and eat). Even after adopting the low carb lifestyle I still have my adventures in the kitchen. So I’ll show you some of the appliances that help me with my concoctions around here. Because having good tools makes it all that much easier!
I came back from the UK a few weeks ago and since then I’ve been considering posting about the things I bought there. I’ve talked about the products I bought online from Coach here. As there is much more to talk about, I’ll split them in more than one post. This one is dedicated to the stuff I got from Amazon UK.
I love bags. Love them. I won’t deny it. In my wish list I have a Lady Dior, for instance. And in my closet there are some Louis Vuitton bags (not as many as I wish) and some Coach ones too. Today’s post is about the latter.
Coach is American and has been seen as a luxury market entry-level brand. It ended up losing space in the past few years, but I’m still a fan. The good thing about liking Coach bags is that there are outlet stores, including in Brazil.
When I say I take advantage of my holidays in the UK to do some shopping some people think it’s weird, considering the high value of the pound. But the truth is I learnt how to shop well for less here. So here are some quick tips that might help you too:
I absolutely L-O-V-E going through Kickstarter to see what’s new in the world. And while doing it some time ago I came accross Hickies 2.0 – a lacing system that replaces traditional laces and makes putting your trainers on easier, all while making you look more stylish.
It works with different types of eyelets, comes in many colours and can be adjusted to fit tighter or loser. Each pack comes with 14 units and if you only use 6 for a pair, like I did, you can fit 2 pairs and have some spare ones.
We bought many here at home, for both my husband and I, in black and grey. We still have loads of unused ones.
I used 6 for a pair of trainers and 10 for the other. (please ignore the old dirty trainers)
After a successful Kickstarter campaign, where 2 packs of 14 units each were sold for US$ 27, they are now sold online for US$ 17.99 per pack. Even with the price increase I still think they are worth it.
Like them? Then head on to https://www.hickies.com/ to check the available colours and order yours.