Hi, I’m Gabi and this blog is an extension of what the tips I already give people, either online or in the real world.
It actually came to be after so many people telling me I should write a blog after I taught how to make a low carb recipe, or told them where to buy that amazing bag for a great price and other things like that. Hubby says I’m a ‘life guru’ and I think the description fits me.
I always wanted to write but didn’t have the time. But then life decided to solve this problem for me. I found myself out of the job I’d had for the past 12 years and now, I am now working on redirecting my carreer. And writing here became an exercise in discipline, a pastime and a way of continuing to spread good tips around.
What will you find here? A bit of the things I like the most: fashion, shopping, lifestyle, trips, beauty, healthy living, diet, food, gadgets, pets. Everything kind of mixed together, just like it happens in my life.
If you like it, don’t forget to tell your friends!
PS: Gabizilla is the cute little monster I turn into when I’m hungry. Or should I say hangry? The definition of that term could very well be a picture of me. Creative husband came up with the nickname and I immediately ran with it.