I came back from the UK a few weeks ago and since then I’ve been considering posting about the things I bought there. I’ve talked about the products I bought online from Coach here. As there is much more to talk about, I’ll split them in more than one post. This one is dedicated to the stuff I got from Amazon UK.
Before leaving my husband and I always check Amazon UK and buy in advance things that are on offer, taking advantage of the fact that he has a house there and we can get stuff shipped to his parents before we even arrive. This time it was even better: Prime Day happened just before we travelled. So, we really went to town. When we arrived our bed was covered by more than 20 packages that had already been delivered!
From Amazon UK we got:
- Xbox One S – we bought the console, some accessories and some games. Main reason for buying it, though, is the fact it is the cheapest 4K Blu-ray player available today. And since we buy loads of Blu-ray films in the UK, either when we’re there or online when we’re in Brazil, we need a player that works with European discs. Xbox One S is perfect for that.
- Fitbit Charge 2 – I’ve posted about it on Instagram. It’s a complete activity tracker that monitors heart rate, steps, flights of stairs climbed, exercises, sleep etc. I L-O-V-E mine and recommend it to anyone who exercises regularly. I also bought an extra metal strap in black for mine.
- Fun Fitness activity belt – to wear with those leggings that don’t have pockets for your phone (I know they all should have it, but life isn’t fair). It’s all made of fabric and really comfortable. The large one easily fits my phone with cover and PopSocket.
- PopSocket – it’s a phone grip to be attached to the pack of the phone (great help while taking pictures) and also serves as a stand when you want to watch a video, for instance. Really useful!
- Caseology case – I have an iPhone 7 (PRODUCT)RED™ and the colour is so nice I didn’t want to hide it. But I can’t leave it without a case, because I drop it way too much. This Caseology case is see-through and has a hard plastic frame in the exact same red as the phone. It protects it without hiding the colour. I bought some of those Gorilla glass covers for the front and one of them has already cracked.
- AMIR 2 lenses and selfie light – I thought about buying one of those led selfie cases, but they are bulky and hide the back of the phone. So, I bought this gadget instead. It has a led light and two lenses: fish eye and macro. It attaches to the phone like a clip and really lights up well. Just need to remember to keep it charged.
- HNM gel nail polishes – they change colour depending on temperature. I’ve also posted a video about them on Instagram. This type of polish needs to be cured under UV or led lights. I have he Sensationail led light that I bought from Amazon US last year and had delivered to Brazil. It takes some time to do a gel manicure, but on the plus side, the nails dry instantly. And the manicure lasts a long time. I’ve done mine 15 days ago and they still look perfect. I also bought the base and top coats, both from AIMEILI.
- Xiao Mo Gu umbrella – you know those umbrellas who open the other way and you probably saw advertised on Facebook or Instagram? This is it. It’s quite big and heavy. But since it opens and closes the other way, it can take heavy wind and it’s really helpful for getting into a car without getting wet, for instance.
- ‘I’m not always a bitch’ enamel mug – I saw a post of a mug with this message on Facebook years ago. Couldn’t resist buying it when I saw it on Amazon. It’s just a mug, nothing special about it.
- Sugru – this is one of those products launched in crowdfunding sites that really do well. It’s a sort of moldable glue that can fix anything. It reminds me of Durepoxi, but more flexible and it comes in fun colours.
- TWEAK drain cover – another product that was first launched in a crowdfunding site. It’s made of silicone and allows you to remove the dirt without touching it when cleaning. It can be used in different drain sizes and I use mine in the kitchen sink. Housewife stuff.
Well, in addition to all of this, hubby bought some electronics (external HD, power bank, cables) and many Blu-ray films. Loads of them. Almost a full suitcase. But some were bought on HMV.
I’ll go over the stuff I bought from other places, like Boots and John Lewis, in another post. Stay tuned.