Those who have radically changed their hair know it is not always a simple and fast process. It may take hours to reach the desired colour. Some times even a simple retouch takes a long time too.
I’d been a redhead for about 5 or 6 years. I started dyeing my hair at home with professional products I bought at a salon supply store (who hasn’t, right?) and mixing them to reach the colour I wanted. Facebook groups area great source of recipes for that. #not
The problem was I had short hair when I started doing it. As it grew, it became really difficult and I had to go to the salon. Straight away the stylist knew I had been colouring my own hair, as it was all stained in the back, where I couldn’t really see what I was doing.
So I started doing my hair at Circus Hair in São Paulo, with Nando Querichelle. At first, I just wanted a regular ginger colour, but after watching the trailer of Jurassic World I went crazy for Bryce Dallas Howard’s hair and decided to get am ombré too.
It took 2 days to get that look. 2 days! And my hair was already red, it was just a base retouch, cut, ombré and hydration. But there wasn’t enough time to do it all in one day. Months later, around the second retouch, I arrived at the salon at the same time as a bride, who had her full entourage with her. 6 hours later the bride left in her gown, hair and make up done and loads of pictures taken. I was still getting my hair cut.
About 3 months ago I felt like changing again and getting a rose gold ombré. But Nando thought my hair was too fragile and wouldn’t take the process. So we just had a retouch at the time and I waited until now to do it. I had done some research and noticed it was mostly done over a brunette base, not ginger – Best 20+ Rose Gold Ombre ideas on Pinterest. I also took some inspiration pictures too, of course. I asked to change my base too and went back to my natural tone, which is dark brown.
The good thing about it is that I’m free from retouching the roots frequently. The only problem is that I have some white hairs. So we’ll need to work on that.
So off we went. The whole process meant changing the base colour, bleaching, colouring, hydrating and cutting. I arrived at the salon at 11:30am.
We used a toner for the base. After that was done, we started the bleaching process, in the ombré style. It took AGES to get it done. At one point we had to cover my hair with a towel to warm it up and speed up the process.
Then I sat at the wash basin for the long task of detangling, hydrating and finally putting on the mix of colours to end up with the rose gold tone I wanted. Then we just had to cut, style and take pictures – had to take advantage of those amazing professional lights they’ve set up at the salon to photograph their happy clients.
I left at 6pm. Yes, it took 6 and a half hours to get these results. In theory, retouches should be easier and faster. We’ll see.
Main thing is I REALLY loved it!
And if anyone is in São Paulo and want to give this a try, I really recommend Circus Hair (@circushair) and the team made up by Nando Querichelle (@fernandoquerichelle) and Erik Pina (@kirexx_)